Thursday, December 15, 2011

If you are assigned the minimum credit limit of $250.00 your initial available credit will be $71?

i wanted to get a credit card but on the bottom it said this. does that mean they will charge me a fee if i get this card??|||It sounds like they are charging a $179 fee to get the card...

Your credit must truly stink.|||Of course. There's a fee for everything. Read the small print carefully.|||Yes, I have that card you're talking about. My fee was I think $125, but I gladly spent that $71 and I'm not paying for any of it either, since they refused to tell me about the fee in the first place. That's my M.O. though. Don't mess up your credit for that stupid card, it's a rip off.|||Those credit cards charge a lot of money since the people that are applying for those cards have a proven record of not paying their bills and are trying to rebuild their credit.|||does the offer state somewhere that there is an initial fee ?

run away.|||RUN AWAY! This is one of those cards that has a ton of fees. Even after you pay off all those initial fees, they have all sorts of regularly charged fees.

Instead look into getting a secured credit card (you pay a deposit which is held as collateral against the line of credit) thru your bank.

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