Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why do I not have an available credit line?

I have an outstanding balance on the card, but it's $1000 less than my $1500 credit limit. So I should have available credit, but it says I don't. Even earlier this weekend I had $1000 available till today. Thanks!|||Most likely your credit card issuer has reduced your credit limit on the card.|||Your CC issuer has reduced your credit limit without advance notification - it's in their agreement that you signed. This is being done to high risk CC holders. It is designed to get you to charge something that will unknowingly take you over your credit limit, triggering an over limit fee.|||I think the CC company is aware of the horrendous increase in defaults among deadbeats and racetrack operators. Let's face it, you ain't the best risk since sliced bread, now are you? Your income doesn't support this line of credit, so they got together last night and say who's a$$ are we gonna cut on this round. And your name came up. That's how these warped dudes and dudettes get their ya-ya's, by cutting the credit lines of hard working, decent and not the brightest people.

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