Thursday, December 8, 2011

How much is the average person expected to have in available credit card credit?

8 months ago I started working for a new company and 5 months ago I became a Den Leader. On several occasions both have expected me to pay for something with my own credit card and get reimbursed later. I am maxed out already.|||Any time you exceed 30% of your credit limit your score takes a hit.|||It varies on the card and your personal credit. Some cards have higher balances than others and some you can request more available credit.|||I started with 3,300 and my practically millionaire girlfriend has less than 10,000|||I have to submit expense reports to my employer on a monthly basis, since I have to pay with things on my credit card all of the time. I just make sure that when I get my expense report check I pay the credit card.

They say that you should only carry a balance of 1/2 of what your credit line is. This will help improve your credit score. You should always have some credit available to you in case of an emergency.

Maybe you can open a new credit card, and use it just for these instances, and pay it off each month when you are reimbursed. Good luck.

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