Thursday, December 8, 2011

Does the available credit on my card affect my interest rate?

This is an odd question and I think the answer might be "no". But I just wanted to ask anyway. I'm almost 25 years old...I have a credit score of about 750+. I've had an American Express 'clear' card for about a year or maybe a little more. Started out with a $2,000 credit line...and bumped it up in 2-3 month intervals. It's now at $7,000 available credit, and I have about $1,500 on it (and probably will never go over $2,000 max, if that much). I was just wondering if an increased credit amount has any bearing whatsoever on interest payments, and how do I generally get lower interest rates on my current cards (American Express Clear, Bank of America Gold ($5,000 limit), and a regular chase Visa card ($2,700 limit) )? Thanks.|||No, not at all.

What it does effect is your credit/credit available ratio. It sounds like you're fine on that as well.

Let me tell ya a little trick that your cards may not like though. It'll save you money. They'll still make theirs, but just not as much.

If you completely pay off your cards every month, you'll be charged NO interest. (They make theirs on the front end, the 3% charge to the retailer.) In other words use your credit cards like you would an AmEx card.

Also, know when your payment cycles are. If you make a charge at the beginning of it, you have up to 30 days until it is billed and then another 25 days until it is due. This is nearly two months of use of the money with no interest due from you.

Pay the bill at or near the due date and in the mean time keep the money in an interest bearing account. You've now earned money, even if only a bit but more importantly you haven't paid any interest.

Yes, it's completely legal and the large corporations use almost the exact same model in paying their bills. The credit card is still making their money, though it's off the retailers and not as much as they would if you had even a $2. balance at then end of the cycle.

That plan will get you 0% interest. And the other thing you can do is call ask for lower rates. Threaten them with the fact you want to cut a card and you're trying to decide which one. They'll bend over backwards to make sure it's not theirs.|||Don't threaten the company.. because the only way your interest rate can be lowered is if the option is available, or you go to retention.. some people i work with will just cancel your card if you start talking about closing it.. then they will tell you they will reopen it for you and then you lose length of account status and all kinds of stuff.. also that guys idea above would make no sense because the only way to get cash into a savings account is through balance transfer which now charge fees ..|||Finding the perfect credit card is might be difficult for some, that why it is important to limit your search by entering in your search the best credit cards, there are many sites available that offer assistance for locating the perfect card. Many of these sites display their own top ten choices. Listing the best credit card and describing the best offers included with each card. Even though their top choices for the best credit cards show many listings, does not mean that you are required to agree with their top choices. However these sites are most helpful for narrow down the search, as well as help searchers get familiarized with the different card programs. Many sites display the APR, and the credit cards monthly service place. Each site gives a description about the card and the cards link, for customers to apply. The nice thing about these credit card websites is that you do not have to search for hours on the web looking at one credit card Company at a time. They offer customize searches that help searchers locate the plan they need or fits them best. They highlight the cards rating so searchers and applicants know that what they are choosing. read more about ameican express at:鈥?/a>

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