Thursday, December 8, 2011

If credit card say you have available credit and available the available cash means you can withdraw?

I confused of my brother say. he told me he cannot get cash in his credit card but it say on his credit card he have available credit and cash but same amount..( dont know if he just lying)|||available cash means the maximum cash you can withdraw. most credit cards allow this. available credit means the most that can be charged %26amp;/or taken in cash|||He could probably but it cost more than it is worth and has high interest from day one.|||What does the term AVAILABLE CASH mean to you? Call the credit card company or issuing bank to confirm.|||Yes most credit cards have cash withdrawal available. However, the interest rate on the cash withdrawal is higher than the regular interest rate for purchases on the credit card. Cash withdrawal rates I have seen can range anywhere from 25 - 30 %. So it's not the greatest idea to do so if he is thinking about it.|||You can get a cash advance on your credit card, but the interest is ridiculous, it's not worth it. You might as well just use the credit card itself.|||Some cards have a different limit on credit and cash advances. Another words, you may have a 5k line for credit, but only a 2k line for a cash advance.

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