Sunday, December 4, 2011

How much available credit in $ to get 0% apr car loans?

I know that many things can influence one's credit rating, so I'll give a few bits of my info.

-I have no late payments or penalties on my credit.

-I have $14,000 of student loan debt, none of which requires payment yet.

-I have $11,500 total in my lines of credit, $10,500 of which is available. All of this credit is new, within the latest month.

(This yahoo ID is completely unattached from my finances and uses false personal info, before anyone gets an idea. :P )

What I'm asking is: for those of you who have been approved for 0% car loan apr, how much available credit did you have at the time? I don't feel like paying $9 for my FICO score (which is not in free credit reports) atm, since the soonest I would take out a loan is December.|||Today every person has need of car, because it has become the necessary need for the people and status symbol also. If you have bad credit history or poor credit history and look for purchase a car, then it is very tough for you. Due to bad credit history, lenders are not keen toward%26lt;!--providing you loan, but do not be discouraged.Generally, bad credit car loans are available at higher interest rate, but you can take at competitive interest rate after placing your assets as collateral in secured bad credit cal loan.

You also can grab bad credit car loan without keeping your asset as collateral, but you have to pay competitively higher interest rate. Hence--%26gt;you can take this loan at better rate, because competition among lender.You can reduce your interest rate after talking with the lender

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