Sunday, December 4, 2011

Do you have to pay the current balance of your credit card, to get back the available credit you have?

i dont have the 200 dollars right now but i can pay half, so do i have to pay the full 200 to get that available credit back? or will i get it back just by paying half? first time with a credit card, i have capital one btw|||Your available credit is the difference between your limit and how much you owe.

Unless your card is paid in full, you will not be able to charge the full amount of your credit limit.

Of course, if you can;t pay your bill in full, then you should not be charging up more. You are about to fall into the credit trap and start paying interest and increasing your balance. Only charge what you can pay off in full at the end of the month.|||You have to pay the entire bill every time, in order to avoid paying any interest. If you're not doing this, you're just making yourself poor for nothing.

Always pay the whole bill, every time. If you can't limit your spending to make this work, then shred the card.|||if you owe $200 and only pay back $100 then your available balance is $100. The available balance is what is left on the card to use.

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